Hathaway Farm
Hathaway Farm
Why We Partner With Horses
Horses have a lot to teach us, but what is it about horses that helps heal people.
Horses easily reflect back our inner state of mind, they serve as “devine mirrors” and return to us our emotional truth; what we feel is what they see.
Researchers, therapists and others involved in equine therapy recognize the benefits in partnering people and horses, part of the answer lies in the horses’ personalities. Horses are prey animals. As such, they’re more comfortable living in a herd and when we spend time with them we become a part of their herd. In order to stay safe horses are highly attuned to the surrounding environment, including the emotional states of people around them in order to differentiate friend from foe. Horses respond to threats mainly by flight instinct. This makes them highly intuitive and sensitive to our emotions, sometimes detecting feelings that are buried and we’re not even consciously aware of having. Horses instantly connect with their emotions and react to “what is happening in the present moment” this is in contrast to humans who rely mostly on intellect to determine “what might happen”
These gentle animals have been in partnership with humans throughout history. Their insightful teachings help people connect on a much deeper level and guide them through life.
What We Do
Developing assertiveness and building self-confidence.
Learning to set goals and understanding what challenges or obstacles hold you back from achieving your goals.
Working through Bereavement, Grief and Loss
Releasing repetitive patterns of behavior.
Learning balanced leadership that can be applied in the workplace, and in all relationships
Individual private sessions, small groups and workshops are also available.
Details and rates
- Session are usually 90 min duration
- $125.00 per session
- We recommend booking 3 sessions
- Book 3 session for $300.00
- All the sessions take place on the ground with no riding involved, previous horse knowledge or experience is not required, anyone can participate regardless of physical limitation.
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Let's Start!
If you are interested in starting your journey into healing, consider joining the people who have already visited the farm, and gained insight from their sessions with Isabel, Chuck, and their horses.